UFO sighting in Chicago? I say Sky Lanterns

A Breif History of the Groom Lake Mine

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Groom Lake, Area 51. Its a place that has been clouded in mystery. Even more so the less known Groom mine has been equally clouded in mystery. Since the late 1800s a little parcel of land just seven miles north of the now super secret base has been in private hands. What started as a silver mine in the late 1800s boomed around the turn of the century and eventually closed operation sometime in the mid 1950s. However unlike other Air Force land grabs in the 80s and 90s, this little piece of land has remained immune to Air Force radar. Recently, Barbara Sheehan, a relative of the original owner spoke at a panel on the history of the Test Site in Las Vegas, hosted by George Knapp. She spoke publicly that the mine is still theirs and that her family still goes their whenever they have the time. She was unclear how she and her family obtain permission. On a recent trip the Las Vegas I spoke with a member of retired test site security who explained how the arrangement works in simple detail. The remaining family may contact the department of the air force to request permission to access their land anytime they wish. A local Las Vegas number was given to them to call. A date would be set for the outing, then the Air Force would vet any and all people who would be traveling with the family. They would be given a time and place to park, most likely along Groom Road and wait for security personnel. Usually two unmarked trucks would pull beside the family, check the car and run social security numbers. From there they would be escorted to their land. And what I'm able to determine there are given an UHF radio to use to contact base security when they wish to leave. I cannot vet all of this information however I find this story to be very interesting in the sea of rehashed area 51 lore.

Fact or Faked? Show me the Money!

I'm sitting here in my study because I just turned on the T.V. and at random saw a preview for a new “paranormal research” show. I'm pretty sure you would agree with me that modern television has been over saturated with over hyped shows on the paranormal. Some winners and a whole lot of losers as my grandfather would put it. Network TV has sold out in my opinion. I stopped watching almost all paranormal television when I got a chance to see National Geographic's “breakout hit” Chasing UFO's. Which features once credible UFO researcher James Fox. The show is filled with so much manufactured drama. What they pass off as investigation is nothing more than an over puffed version of Ghost adventures, which is at least funny at times. Come on we want a real show that we can sink our teeth into. I'm waiting out there In the darkness.

UFO Videos

Another Look at the Flatwoods Monster

The Flatwoods Monster, also known as the Braxton County Monster or the Phantom of Flatwoods, is an alleged unidentified extraterrestrial or cryptid reported to have been sighted in the town of Flatwoods in Braxton County, West Virginia, on September 12, 1952. Stories of the creature are an example of a purported close encounter of the third kind.

Texas witness claims security camera captured landed disc UFO

A Texas witness at Cotulla included one frame from an oil company security camera depicting a "disc-like" UFO on or near the ground in a January 5, 2013, report, claiming the image has already made the rounds among employees, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. Readers should be cautious of any photography before MUFON investigates this case. There are a small percentage of reports that are hoaxes; and some photography can further be explained as something man-made or from Mother Nature. The reporting witness explained the circumstances behind the photograph in the report. "My father works in an oil company here in Texas, and they had noticed that some people were taking the crude oil in the night," the witness stated. "So they started putting cameras up around the areas. One night one camera caught a UFO." A single image was provided with the MUFON report, which was filed on January 5, 2013. The incident allegedly occurred on July 6, 2012. The witness explains that the photo had been circulated, but with no further explanation. "The news had spread throughout the workers and they soon emailed it to my father. My father had sent it to me and now I'm posting it here on MUFON." The above quotes were edited for clarity. Cotulla is a city in and the county seat of La Salle County, TX, population 3,614. This story and photo has a High Warning of Caution until an investigation is completed.